Don't miss this exciting opportunity to attend the most education-packed online marketing event in Phoenix - June 15-16.
Choose from workshops, conference sessions & training covering the hottest online marketing topics including:
- social media marketing
- email marketing
- search engine optimization
- website usability
- analytics, mobile
- integrated marketing
- demand generation
- ...and more!
All NEW Interactive Marketing "INSIDER" Tips shared Phoenix!
Here are just a few of the most recently announced high impact sessions added to the OMS lineup:
-Social Media: Identifying and Measuring Social Media Brand Advocaes with Lise Brende, Microsoft.
-Search Engine Optimization: Leveraging User Generated Content for SEO
Conversion with Eric Moore, Bazaarvoice
-Mobile Marketing: Mobile Marketing - How to get results in less than 24 hours with Andjelika Martin, M Resort
Geo-Somo - Social Mobile Geo-Marketing with Matthew O'Brien of Mint Social
- Why Social Mobile Marketing is Essential to Your Business (Dominate in Local Search)
Register with promo code IMA15AZ to save 15%!
Event Details-
Phoenix | June 15-17 Sheraton Phoenix Downtown 340 N. 3rd Street
Featured Speakers on June 16 -
Jeramie McPeek Vice President, Digital, Phoenix Suns
Lise Brende Director of Marketing Analytics, Bing & MSN, Microsoft
Laura Laney Sr Demand Generation Manager, Adobe Systems
Matthew O'Brien, CEO, Mint Social